
RustyRohdes 2X PVE donation page

VIP (1 Month)

VIP (1 Month)

VIP rank for 1 Month
  • Exclusive Kit

  • Set Sign on the boards & frames - /sil url

  • Instant upgrade base - /up 1-4

  • Buy Exclusive vehicles - /buy

    • Rhib, Complete Train, Sedan, Tug Boat

  • Teleportation system

    • 5 Seconds Countdown, 20 seconds cooldown, No Daily Limit

    • 5 Home /home add name, /home name, /home remove name

    • Player TP /tpr, /tpa

    • Outpost and Bandit TP /outpost, /bandit

  • Extra storage Backpack with 7 Slots /backpack

  • QuickSort sorting menu

  • Untie boxes underwater

  • Instant research items

  • Instant Mix items in the mixing table

  • Personal Minicopter /mymini, /fmini, /nomini

VIP (3 Months)

VIP (3 Months)

VIP rank for 3 Months
  • Exclusive Kit

  • Set Sign on the boards & frames - /sil url

  • Instant upgrade base - /up 1-4

  • Buy Exclusive vehicles - /buy

    • Rhib, Complete Train, Sedan, Tug Boat

  • Teleportation system

    • 5 Seconds Countdown, 20 seconds cooldown, No Daily Limit

    • 5 Home /home add name, /home name, /home remove name

    • Player TP /tpr, /tpa

    • Outpost and Bandit TP /outpost, /bandit

  • Extra storage Backpack with 7 Slots /backpack

  • QuickSort sorting menu

  • Untie boxes underwater

  • Instant research items

  • Instant Mix items in the mixing table

  • Personal Minicopter /mymini, /fmini, /nomini

VIP (6 Months)

VIP (6 Months)

VIP rank for 6 Months
  • Exclusive Kit

  • Set Sign on the boards & frames - /sil url

  • Instant upgrade base - /up 1-4

  • Buy Exclusive vehicles - /buy

    • Rhib, Complete Train, Sedan, Tug Boat

  • Teleportation system

    • 5 Seconds Countdown, 20 seconds cooldown, No Daily Limit

    • 5 Home /home add name, /home name, /home remove name

    • Player TP /tpr, /tpa

    • Outpost and Bandit TP /outpost, /bandit

  • Extra storage Backpack with 7 Slots /backpack

  • QuickSort sorting menu

  • Untie boxes underwater

  • Instant research items

  • Instant Mix items in the mixing table

  • Personal Minicopter /mymini, /fmini, /nomini

About RustyRohdes

By supporting Rohdes community on Tip4serv, you participate in its evolution, so that its creators can be paid in order to offer you more and more content. As a subscriber, you receive exclusive benefits, updates and have access to an active community.